25 May 2023

Image of Nursery Highlights

This week Nursery have had lots of fun finishing our topic Up, Up and Away by learning all about kites and hot air balloons! We have read two stories – The Great Balloon Hullabaloo and Kite Day. We were hoping for a good kite day ourselves on Friday when we took to the field to fly our own kites. Thankfully, there was a little bit of wind, so the teachers managed to demonstrate their kite flying skills and the children all had a go as well! We have very much enjoyed this topic and are looking forward to starting our new topic Celebrating People, at the beginning of next term. On Monday the children all came to school in clothes that represented their own cultures. We loved seeing all the different outfits and celebrating the diversity within Nursery. The children had a wonderful time showing their outfits and talking about where their families are from. We hope you all have a lovely half term break!

Nursery Highlights 26/05/23